You are not your parents. You can do better.

You are not them.

At some point or another, we all struggle to handle the things life throws at us. And perhaps, when the storms come, you've had self-doubt leading to nagging questions such as:

"Am I just like my parents?" 

"Can I rise above my upbringing?"

I've worked professionally with teens for over 15 years as a youth care specialist, high school teacher, coach, and mental health counselor. I'm also a father of six. I can help. 

Together, we will improve things. But if you leave things as they are, they will only continue to get worse. Request an appointment at the bottom of the page to get started on making things better.

About Benjamin Highley

I am a husband, father of six, and traditional pocket knife enthusiast. I drink an unreasonable amount of coffee. My favorite chainsaw is the Stihl 462. In my youth, I dropped out of college three times before eventually graduating three times. I know the immense pressure of being responsible for the support and well-being of seven other humans and what a toll that takes on a person.

I've spent more than 15 years working directly with teens in environments that can be high stress - first, in a locked facility for justice involved youth and then as a school-based counselor in a public high school. Four of my own children are currently teens. Our oldest graduated college as a high school junior and is working on another degree. Our second and third children each carry a GPA of better than 4.2 as they also pursue college credit in high school.

I am a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Ohio and hold a Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Xavier University. I also hold a Master of Arts in Ministry from God's Bible School and College in Cincinnati, and a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies (also from GBSC).

Ben's "Why"  Ben's Blog